Friday, September 28, 2012

Great Leaders Grow

"Our capacity to grow determines our capacity to lead". It's really that simple. Will you as a leader be ready to face the next challenge? Or will you be a leader who tries to apply yesterday's solutions to today's problems? The latter will ultimately fail. The difference: the decision to grow. And not a short-term decision but a decision to grow throughout your career and throughout your life. This single decision is a game changer for leaders.

Whether you’re a CEO or an entry-level employee, this book will inspire you to reflect on your life and design your own long-term growth plan—a plan that can lead not only to continuing professional success but to personal fulfillment as well.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from his book.
  • The failure to grow sabotages the career of more leaders than anything else.
  • Anytime you influence the thinking, beliefs, or development of another person, you're engaging in leadership.
  • Great leaders serve.
  • If you GROW your capacity to lead, opportunities to lead usually follow. 
  • If I stop learning, I stop leading.
  • The speed of the leader is the speed of the team. If I'm not growing, there's no way I can expect others to grow.
  • Growth is what separates living things from dying things. 
  • Many leaders fail to gain knowledge because they have too much to do-they're going too fast and trying to accomplish too much. 
  • Growth is always the result of challenge.  
I love Ken Blanchard's and Mark Miller's writing style. It's very unique, and different from any other writing style I have read.
"Great leaders grow" is defiantly worth the read. 

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