Monday, December 28, 2009

Leaving A Legacy

Leaving a Legacy
What is the oddest hand me down you have ever received? The greatest thing that we could ever hand down to our kids and grandkids is a spiritual legacy.

What a spiritual legacy is not:
· It's not just something we say.
· It's not just a single event.
· It's not a long list of rules to follow.

What is a spiritual legacy?
A spiritual legacy is the process through which parents model and reinforce the unseen reality of the spiritual life.

What a spiritual legacy is:
· It’s more about what we do than what we say.
· It’s a process.
· It’s modeled.
· It prepares our children to view life from a Biblical perspective.

Now that I know what a spiritual legacy is, how do I leave it? In order to keep His people on track, God commanded the Israelites to create four types of family moments.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9

1. Verbal Family Moments (v. 7)
Parents need to talk about their values all the time.
2. Symbolic Family Moments (v. 8)
Our lives symbolize our values.
3. Visual family moments (v. 7b)
Our daily behaviors and choices are the visual images that will most impact our kids.
4. Written family moment (v.9)
The things that are most important to you should be written down to share with future generations.


Take Aways:
· Use the time now to invest in your kids.
· Pray for the kids who walk through the doors of Sugar Grove Church.
· Invest in the future generation of Sugar Grove Church by volunteering or giving.

Thanks to Grace Church for the use of this video.

1 comment:

  1. Great video! I'm completely convicted. I'm thinking I should move closer to Sugar Grove...that's what I'd like for my kids.
